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Bank is sentenced to indemnify old lady for payroll loans taken out with false signatures

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Taken from the São Paulo Court of Justice website

In case no. 1015479-02.2020.8.26.0071 , the 22nd Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo Court of Justice upheld a decision by the 2nd Civil Court of Bauru which ordered a bank to compensate an elderly woman for moral damages and to refund her the amounts deducted from payroll loans fraudulently taken out by a third party.

The amount of compensation was increased to R$15,000. A daily fine of R$1,000 was also established if the bank does not return the money within a maximum of five days.

The forgers took out five payroll loans with the bank where the plaintiff, a 77-year-old woman, receives her social security benefits. An expert graphotechnical report proved that the signatures on the contracts were forged.


Whenever there is any kind of undue deduction from your retirement benefits, it is important to go to the INSS office and seek legal advice.


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